Monday, November 1, 2010


Yeah!  We have finally got this blog up are running!
As a presidency, we are so excited to work with the band.  Our Marching Band season has come to a close with our last and some say best performance on Saturday.  Well done all of you!  You have worked hard this season!
We look ahead to the rest of the year of great concerts and of course our Dinner Dance in the spring.  Also in store, for those of you wanting to earn money for tour, will be chances to work in the cotton candy booth.
We will be using this blog to notify students and parents of these upcoming events. Please feel free to visit often and, of course, leave feed back and commentary!
Thank you for all your help and support!
~BR Band Booster Presidency

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is awesome! Thank you Gale Nelson for making this happen! You are an amazing person and a great Treasurer! Thanks for all you do! See you on Wednesday at 5 to help set up for the award banquet:) I hope everyone comes and is ready to eat and be silly:) And most of all volunteer to help us out some more!
