Friday, July 22, 2011

Bear River Band: polo shirts for parents

Bear River Band: polo shirts for parents: "Mr. Walton is ordering polo shirts for your student on Monday. If any of you parents would like a matching polo shirt for you, you can get ..."

polo shirts for parents

Mr. Walton is ordering polo shirts for your student on Monday. If any of you parents would
like a matching polo shirt for you, you can get a better buy if you order with the students. Get with Mr. Walton or Gale Nelson to order sizes. Her number is 452-2314.  You can call me as well 452-1365.
The cost will be $15.00 per shirt.  This is a great deal.  It would be fun to see more parents wearing a
band polo!  But not mandatory! Also thank you to all of you who have signed up to help the band this year!
It takes a lot of you to help, but our children are well worth it:)
Cynthia Long
Booster Pres.